Thistleclans Prophecy
Chapter 1
Echosongs kittens
You here the sounds of cats,
kittens playing,
Warriors training,
and the leaders seeing it raining.
Bluekit and Darkkit opened there eyes as sunlight hit them. Bluekit looked around the nursery and saw Rainkit talking to Brambleclaw. "Hello Bluekit and Darkkit!" Said Echosong behind them. "Have you slept good?" "Yeah mom we did". Bluekit said. Can we- I'm hungry! Darkkit interrupted Bluekit. He spat out Bluekits long fur from when they were sleeping. Bluekit unpleasantly moved a little away from Darkkit. Echosong laughed. "Okay I will get food from the prey pile I want you both
to stay here with Rainkit". Darkkit made a uncomfortable growl. Rainkit padded to them. "Uh.. good morning Bluekit and Darkkit...." Hello Rainkit! Bluekit sayed enthusiastic having a thought for a second on how she seemed different then last time. Echosong came back with a plump furry squirrel in her jaws. Darkkit bited the squirrel hanging on to it as Echosong laid it down. "I'm back!". She glanced at Rainkits pale face. Rainkit are you going to eat? Echosong asked worriedly. You haven't eaten yesterday that much. "I can fend for myself!" Rainkit said with a slight gentle growl. "Okay, I have to go, Falconstar needs me, Brambleclaw might show you around the camp". She said turning back fast.
Darkkit ate half of the squirrel with one bite as Bluekit took a little. Brambleclaw came as Rainkit padded out the nursery pretending to be a warrior. TodayI heard you both are going to become apprentices with Sunkit. "Oh I forgot about that". Darkkit squeaked. Rainkit seems angry... Bluekit thought I wonder why... Want to see outside the nursery? Its very sunny and warm. Brambleclaw
replied. "Okay!" Darkkit got on his tiny long legs and walked out the nursery. "Wait for me and your sister Bluekit". Brambleclaw said before Darkkit could explore more of the outside. Bluekit ran after Darkkit tripping over a lump of moss. Brambleclaw help the blue and grey kitten to her feet. "Thanks dad!""You must be careful" Brambleclaw meowed chuckling. "Hurry up I want to explore more".
Darkkit moaned, making Bluekit run and passing him. "Whoa". Bluekit looked at the beautiful plants and trees. The sky glittered bright and the sun shined as hard as it could. The green soft grass made Bluekit sit and feel its silky touch. "Hello Brambleclaw". A red big she-cat meowed. Darkkit gazed at the strong looking dark crimson she-cat as she passed the kittens looking at them with a warm smile.
"I want to be strong like her". Darkkit straightened up trying to look like a warrior. Bluekit laughed with happiness as his funny looking position made a pale beige she-cat chuckle. "What cute kittens Echosong has!" Still laughing the she-cat padded to them. "Hello there i'm Thistleclans Medicine cat Lilypool, its a pleasure to meet you both". The medicine cat smiled at them. Darkkit tilted his head. "I thought there was one medicine cat". "Well Thistleclan always needs extra. Whoever thought of that is kind of smart! Darkkit thought. "Lilypool where are you?" Said a voice. Oh thats my medic apprentice Greypaw, I have to go but maybe I will see you again. The she-cat leapt away to the medic den. Brambleclaw padded to the kittens. Your mother will be back soon, so you won't have that much time exploring all of the camp. Then we are going to the nursery. Both kittens said.

"Clan meet!" A cat yowled. The kittens got out of the nursery and Sunkit too came. As the kittens came in one group to be in there ceremonies. Bluekit, Darkkit, and Sunkit sat together. Falconstar sat on the Highrock. "Today three kits of Thistleclan are becoming apprentices". "Bluekit, Darkkit, and Sunkit step forward". The kittens came sitting on the Highrock next to Falconstar. "Until these three kittens get there warrior names they shall be known as Bluepaw, Darkpaw, and Sunpaw". The cats cheered. Bluepaw realized Rainkit was not in her ceremony. Did she forget? And where are my parents? They must have forgotten. "Bluepaw your mentor shall be Cinderstorm". Bluepaw dipped her head and jumped off the Highrock and so did the others. Bluepaw touched noses with Feathertail and padded to see how the apprentice den looked.
The apprentice den didn't seem that bad. Cinderstorm came to Bluepaw. "You can rest if you want, or play with Darkpaw". "No i'm going to check on Rainkit..." Bluepaw said as Cinderstorm nodded. Bluepaw ran out of the camp to explore the forest.
She saw Rainkit sleeping behind a oak tree. "Rainkit!" Bluepaw said. "Huh?". Rainkit Opened her eyes looking at Bluepaw. "Oh hi Bluepaw"." Uh hi, you do know my ceremony was just now right?" "Oh I must have over slept i'm sorry". "Its okay I guess, but where is dad?" "Bluepaw sorry for missing your ceremony". Bluepaw turned around. "Dad I was looking for you where were you?" "I was busy but i'm proud of you becoming a apprentice!" "Thanks dad". "Its late lets go back to camp". The cats walked back to the camp. Darkpaw was waiting in the apprentuce den. Bluepaw padded to the apprentice den. "Hi Darkpaw". "Hi Bluepaw, I caught a squirrel!"Darkpaw showed the squirrel to her. "Thats great, but I need to go sleep". Bluepaw closed her eyes as she laid down on the moss of the den. Curling up her tail.
to stay here with Rainkit". Darkkit made a uncomfortable growl. Rainkit padded to them. "Uh.. good morning Bluekit and Darkkit...." Hello Rainkit! Bluekit sayed enthusiastic having a thought for a second on how she seemed different then last time. Echosong came back with a plump furry squirrel in her jaws. Darkkit bited the squirrel hanging on to it as Echosong laid it down. "I'm back!". She glanced at Rainkits pale face. Rainkit are you going to eat? Echosong asked worriedly. You haven't eaten yesterday that much. "I can fend for myself!" Rainkit said with a slight gentle growl. "Okay, I have to go, Falconstar needs me, Brambleclaw might show you around the camp". She said turning back fast.
Darkkit ate half of the squirrel with one bite as Bluekit took a little. Brambleclaw came as Rainkit padded out the nursery pretending to be a warrior. TodayI heard you both are going to become apprentices with Sunkit. "Oh I forgot about that". Darkkit squeaked. Rainkit seems angry... Bluekit thought I wonder why... Want to see outside the nursery? Its very sunny and warm. Brambleclaw
replied. "Okay!" Darkkit got on his tiny long legs and walked out the nursery. "Wait for me and your sister Bluekit". Brambleclaw said before Darkkit could explore more of the outside. Bluekit ran after Darkkit tripping over a lump of moss. Brambleclaw help the blue and grey kitten to her feet. "Thanks dad!""You must be careful" Brambleclaw meowed chuckling. "Hurry up I want to explore more".
Darkkit moaned, making Bluekit run and passing him. "Whoa". Bluekit looked at the beautiful plants and trees. The sky glittered bright and the sun shined as hard as it could. The green soft grass made Bluekit sit and feel its silky touch. "Hello Brambleclaw". A red big she-cat meowed. Darkkit gazed at the strong looking dark crimson she-cat as she passed the kittens looking at them with a warm smile.
"I want to be strong like her". Darkkit straightened up trying to look like a warrior. Bluekit laughed with happiness as his funny looking position made a pale beige she-cat chuckle. "What cute kittens Echosong has!" Still laughing the she-cat padded to them. "Hello there i'm Thistleclans Medicine cat Lilypool, its a pleasure to meet you both". The medicine cat smiled at them. Darkkit tilted his head. "I thought there was one medicine cat". "Well Thistleclan always needs extra. Whoever thought of that is kind of smart! Darkkit thought. "Lilypool where are you?" Said a voice. Oh thats my medic apprentice Greypaw, I have to go but maybe I will see you again. The she-cat leapt away to the medic den. Brambleclaw padded to the kittens. Your mother will be back soon, so you won't have that much time exploring all of the camp. Then we are going to the nursery. Both kittens said.
Echosong padded thru the forest. She scanned her clans territory as a thought of Mousefur dying from her old age came. I miss Mousefur, but she is happy in Starclan, thats how I want her to be.

Echosong saw a vole in the grass. Forgetting about that thought she ran up to it and pounced it. The vole tried to get out of her grip but it was too strong. Echosong opened her mouth with her fangs shown and bit the vole. She took out her fangs from the dead voles body and got it in her jaws.
As she buried it Feathertail came. "Greetings Echosong". The deputy scared Echosong. "You startled me!" She said to Feathertail. "Forgive me then, I didn't know that you didn't notice me". "I was just wondering what you were doing". "Hunting of course, what else would I be doing?" Echosong replied back. "I will go then". Feathertail padded away lonely. Echosong felt sorry for Feathertail.
She then saw a hill and realized the sun was setting, padding straight to it to watch the sun sinking down. At the same time Brambleclaw also was watching the sun setting from a couple of rocks.
"Clan meet!" A cat yowled. The kittens got out of the nursery and Sunkit too came. As the kittens came in one group to be in there ceremonies. Bluekit, Darkkit, and Sunkit sat together. Falconstar sat on the Highrock. "Today three kits of Thistleclan are becoming apprentices". "Bluekit, Darkkit, and Sunkit step forward". The kittens came sitting on the Highrock next to Falconstar. "Until these three kittens get there warrior names they shall be known as Bluepaw, Darkpaw, and Sunpaw". The cats cheered. Bluepaw realized Rainkit was not in her ceremony. Did she forget? And where are my parents? They must have forgotten. "Bluepaw your mentor shall be Cinderstorm". Bluepaw dipped her head and jumped off the Highrock and so did the others. Bluepaw touched noses with Feathertail and padded to see how the apprentice den looked.
The apprentice den didn't seem that bad. Cinderstorm came to Bluepaw. "You can rest if you want, or play with Darkpaw". "No i'm going to check on Rainkit..." Bluepaw said as Cinderstorm nodded. Bluepaw ran out of the camp to explore the forest.
She saw Rainkit sleeping behind a oak tree. "Rainkit!" Bluepaw said. "Huh?". Rainkit Opened her eyes looking at Bluepaw. "Oh hi Bluepaw"." Uh hi, you do know my ceremony was just now right?" "Oh I must have over slept i'm sorry". "Its okay I guess, but where is dad?" "Bluepaw sorry for missing your ceremony". Bluepaw turned around. "Dad I was looking for you where were you?" "I was busy but i'm proud of you becoming a apprentice!" "Thanks dad". "Its late lets go back to camp". The cats walked back to the camp. Darkpaw was waiting in the apprentuce den. Bluepaw padded to the apprentice den. "Hi Darkpaw". "Hi Bluepaw, I caught a squirrel!"Darkpaw showed the squirrel to her. "Thats great, but I need to go sleep". Bluepaw closed her eyes as she laid down on the moss of the den. Curling up her tail.
Hi everyone! Chapter 1 of Thistleclans Prophecy! Echosongs kittens!
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